About HD Tees

HD Tees is a clothing brand for those driven to better understand themselves.

Our designs leverage principles from Human Design, a system synthesizing astrology, the I Ching, Kabbalah, and the chakra system.

Human Design is a complex system that can take years to understand. Our aim is to distill some simple high level concepts from this system to help you better understand your unique traits, strengths, and life path and embody them in your day to day life. 

We're excited to announce the launch of our first brand, Sacral Authority. According to Human Design, a subset of the population are designed to be guided to their highest purpose in life by following their gut, known in Human Design as Sacral Authority. Is this you? If you don't know, your Human Design Chart can help you find out.

If you have Sacral Authority, the SA brand will help you strengthen your connection to your gut. And for everyone else, our goal is to help you to better understand and support those who do. We'll also be launching other brands that relate directly to your Design.

About The Team

Elliott got the idea for HD Tees from his wife, a Human Design analyst. After years of Christina trying to get him to understand his Design, Sacral Authority was the aspect that finally clicked.

Elliott leveraged his Sacral Authority to redirect his career after a period of stagnation, building a team that helped turn an early stage startup into an Amazon acquisition. 

Then, later, when seeking deeper purpose in his career again, leveraged his authority to navigate a career transition bringing him to Tesla to lead a design team shaping the future of sustainability, and then again to create HD Tees.